Our Photos
Confirmation with Bishop Coffey Sunday, May 7, 2023
2First Holy Communion -Sunday, May 7, 2023
39Faith Formation Nativity Pageant January 7, 2023
1Mary, Mother of Mankind Christmas Flowers, Decorations and the Manger.12-21-22
6Rhode Island Civilian Servicemember of the Year Presented to Father Varghese 12-15-22
14Wine Tasting Night at MMM 9/24/2022
55First Holy Communion- May 1, 2022
31Confirmation Class 2022
1Mass to celebrate Law Enforcement & First Responders
24Grade 7,8 and 9 preparing 75 sandwiches and bag lunches for the homeless at Emmanual House in Providence. They also prepared the Holy Water bottles to be distributed at the parish services on Easter. Great job !!