Parish News




Tues. July 23 7:00 PM 20 Week Club Meeting (Hall)

Fri. July 26 6:00 PM Bingo. (Hall) Doors open at 5PM


Multiethnic Potluck Dinner,

Saturday August 17, 5:00PM

20 Week Club Ticket Sale, Saturday & Sunday August 17 & 18


Marriage Anniversary Celebration 

The Office of Marriage Preparation & Enrichment is hosting the annual Wedding Anniversary Celebration to honor couples of the Diocese observing their 25th, 40th, 50th, and OVER 50 years wedding anniversaries in 2024. The celebration will be held on Sunday, September 22, 2024, 1:00 PM, Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in Providence with Bishop Richard G. Henning. The registration must be submitted through the parish office and signed by the pastor. The deadline is no later than August 16th.



Adults: How does my life reflect a true and patient search for the Lord? What sacrifices am I ready to make to pursue this search for the Lord? 

Children: Where can I look for Jesus and find Him?



One Sunday at Mass as the priest was giving his homily, a little baby in the front row suddenly started crying loudly.  The mother did her best to pacify the child, but nothing worked.  So finally, she got up and started to walk down the aisle to take the baby into the cry room.  The priest stopped his preaching, and very compassionately called out to the mother, “That’s OK!  You don’t have to leave.  The child isn’t disturbing me.”  The young woman turned around and said, “No, pardon me Father, but you’re disturbing my child!”


School Supplies Needed!!

The Community Outreach Committee will be collecting school supplies for children in need. Please consider donating a backpack or a few school supplies (pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers, notebooks, folders, rulers, glue sticks, etc.). Thank You for your generosity!


Mass Schedule for the Week

Saturday, July 27

4:00 p.m. Dennis Desjarlais (Birthday Remembrance) Rose & Paul Norton (Birthday Remembrance)

Sunday, July 28-Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 a.m. Fr. Joseph, & Fr. Gregory 

10:30 a.m. Lorraine Sgambato (1st Anniversary)

Monday, July 29-Ss. Martha, Mary & Lazarus

8:00 a.m. Frank Amalfitano (Remembrance) 

Tuesday, July 30-St. Peter Chrysologus

8:00 a.m. Rita Ryan (Birthday Remembrance)

Wednesday, July 31-St. Ignatius of Loyola

8:00 a.m. Anthony Lisa (2nd Anniversary) Thomas Igoe (25th Anniversary)

Thursday, August 1-Saint Alphonsus Liquori

8:00 a.m. Lionel, Helen & Richard Peltier (Remembrance)

Saturday, August 3

4:00 p.m.  Sunday, August 4-Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 a.m.  

10:30 a.m. Enemesio Alesna, Messsalina Alesena, Vicento Alesena, Erenea Alesna (Birthday   Remembrances) 


Let us pray for all who have died Our relatives, friends, and fellow parishioners especially Patricia Bianchi whose funeral was held last week.


Sanctuary Candle, Altar Candles & Altar Bread Candles will burn from 7/25 thru 8/1

The Sanctuary Candle will burn for:  Dennis Desjarlais     

The Altar Candles will burn for:  Dennis Desjarlais

The Altar Bread is offered for: Dennis Desjarlais

(Cost of the Sanctuary Candle, pair of Altar Candles or Altar Bread is $15 for a living or deceased remembrance) Please call the Rectory at 231-3542 to reserve yours Monday thru Thursday 9-1


Weekend of July 21, 2024  

Offertory Reports  

Weekly Offering $4,627.00

On-Line Giving   $1,238.00  

Helping Hand Fund   $123.00         

Thank you for your support!




S P A I N 

Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and Barcelona 

1 1 D A Y S: O c t 7-17, 2024 Lisbon, Fatima, Salamanca, Avila, Madrid, Lourdes, Montserrat and Barcelona 

ONLY $3599 PER PERSON FROM BOSTON  (Round trip air from Boston, Accommodations on First Class / Select Hotels, Most Meals, Comprehensive Sightseeing throughout with the services of professional English-speaking tour director, All admission and Hotel service charges, Transfers to /from the airport by private motorcoach including meeting/assistance  Hosted by Father TJ Varghese  For a brochure and more Information, please contact  Father TJ Varghese Tel:401-231-3542  Email: