From Father Varghese's Desk

From Father Varghese's Desk



From Father Varghese’s Desk

There has been a lot of discussion in the media about the importance of family. Do you have any suggestions about how we, as Catholics, might strengthen our family bonds? Any good relationship, from business to personal, family or friends, depends upon communication that has real substance. Bonds of love, admiration, and friendship form when we know the other person and find our common interests and background. In a family, people can live together and yet be strangers, not really knowing what goes on in day-to-day life, or how someone has grown or changed. 

The best way to strengthen your family bonds is to be sure everyone has the opportunity to share their life with each other. For example, eat meals together. Have an ‘evening news’ session where everyone gets 5 minutes to talk about their day and the things they have done. Turn off the TV and play board games. Plan special events and activities. Cook/bake together. Create a family yearbook or album. Write group letters to relatives or friends. Go to Mass together and breakfast on Sunday morning. Begin new family religious traditions like praying the Rosary, reading the Bible, using Advent Wreaths, saying grace before meals, etc. So many things that a family can do together require just a little planning and time. 

Make sure that family time and events are a priority and not replaced by TV, sports, school, or anything else. Knowing each other and loving each other needs time and attention. It’s worth it!

Have a Good Week and God Bless

Father Varghese