From Father Varghese's Desk

From Father Varghese's Desk


From Father Varghese’s Desk

Our idea of fast food is that you drive your car to a local chain, you pull up to the giant menu board with the scratchy speaker system, you yell out your order, you drive to the window, and you pay your money. Within minutes, you have your food, and you speed away. It is fast. 

In the Book of Genesis, there is a different account of fast-food service. Some mysterious visitors came to see Abraham and Sarah. Abraham realized that there was something divine about their presence. He immediately offered hospitality: a bath, a rest, and a meal. They agreed. But Sarah had to come up with some food, fast.  She baked rolls from fine flour. A servant slaughtered and prepared a juicy steer. The curds and milk were easier, but the basic ingredients of a hamburger, bread, and meat, had to be prepared from scratch on the spot. By our standards, not fast food—but impressive for its day. 

As a result of his hospitality, Abraham received from God the gift he had waited for all his life: a son, Isaac, whom he would love. 

When strangers or friends drop by, we could offer hospitality. Sometimes we are so busy that our primary hope is they will leave as soon as possible. But there is another solution. We can offer hospitality. The blessing we receive may be the one we have desired all lifelong.


Thank you and God Bless.

Father Varghese